Being in NZ sucks nothing ever happens and we have like 4 Vintage stores and 5 high end brand stockists its the lamest thing you'll ever see so if you want any thing like you see on high st in the UK or Us you have to either order online which cost like a billion and 76 $$$ or get it all tailored which takes Forever!!!! speaking of tailors mines making me these really cute colorful jumpsuits cos they don't stock them in NZ!!
Zippora Seven OMG!!! My favourite model right now and shes from right here in New Zealand haha i know amazing!! She 17, 5'7.5 and she modeled for one of my absolute favorite stores Ruby!!
Usually i hate ordering stuff online from the states and stuff purely because of sizing but i when i went on forever 21 i saw these amazing boots that looked allmost just like the Ann Demeulemeester boots which cost like a BILLION dollars. any way here they are... and i also got 2 more;)
Lame thing is that there gonna take like 12 days to get here:( oooh weelll
December 27th Jasmin ditched me for Sydney, it SUCKS!!! i have nothing to do Nat's in CHCH and there's only so much lonely shopping i can handle:( here's a pic post dedicated to Jasmin...
Today i went shopping with my mum intending on buying two pairs of heels but did a complete 180' and got the long awaited cowboy boots. down to $100 from$220:)
Ive just been watching the ASB tennis classics on TV today and i must say i really applaud those women for getting out there with no make up on a scorching hot day and not caring if when they grunt it sound like their constipated or if they cant see threw their eyes because of the torrents of sticky sweat cascading down their faces.Well done two thumbs up! on that note lets flip through some tennis fashion favorites... haha I'm kidding