

Well I thought I'd start out by saying it was loads colder when we left in the morning but around about 4.30 mother nature decided she straight out hated me and bumped up the temperature like 8 bloody degrees far out! what did I ever do to her seriously?
Anyway heres my outfit...

Consisting of my legendary $10 leggings from CottonOn and some equally legendary $10 canvas flats from Ruby Shoes, shirt from Cue, sunnies from Lippy And my red Invisable children bracelet!

heres a close up of the EPIC-ness which is my leggings....

Funny story...My mummy and I went to newmarket this day (well actually Saturday ) and we are such cool cats because we ended out wearing allmost the exact same top and didn't realize until the end of the day haha!


1 comment:

  1. your mum looks prreetyyy! =]
    and oh yes the shiny pants =PP
